Change Management



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Change Management

Planning and Implementation

Stakeholder Communications and
Engagement Planning and Implementation

Stakeholder Analysis

“People don’t resist change. They resist being changed,” says organization guru, Peter Senge.

At Elevate, we recognize that change is a human effort as much as a strategic one. So, our change management approaches address the people side of any change or transition to help individuals understand, internalize and support the adjustment that comes with evolving business climates.

Change Management is a continuous process, not a singular event, and to be effective, is integrated with project activities. We practice progressive elaboration, developing Change Management strategies based on what we learn about those impacted by the change. In support of this, our approach is outcome driven, collaborative and analytical. We seek to confirm what we ultimately hope to achieve, engage stakeholders in our success and develop change management activities that are rooted in intelligence and analytics.

Our services also include stakeholder engagement, communications and planning, that are customized to best fit the situation. A peek into our toolbox finds stakeholder analysis, implementation planning, roadmaps, resistance management, coaching and training, and whatever else it takes to help foster buy-in of the changes necessary to welcome and usher progress.

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